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Sylar, Angel Kitty of the Year 2020

🌈Sylar's Story - The Rainbow Bridge Angel Kitty of the Year

Sylar was born to a stray kitty that I had taken in. He had one brother and one sister. When they were 3 days old, I took the mama and 3 kittens to the vet cause I noticed she wasn't taking care of them. The vet said that the mama was very old and that since she has had so many kittens in the past, that she's just too old to take care of them anymore.

The vet recommended that I tube feed the kittens. They showed me how to do it and honestly I was scared to death because if that tube went down into the lungs, the milk could drown them. So, I was very careful when I started tube feeding. Sadly Sylars sister, Angel, didn't make it. That only left Sylar and his brother Izzy. I spent a few weeks waking up every 2 to 4 hours feeding them and making sure they were warm. I was very tired, but I knew they depended on me, so I kept going. They eventually took a bottle, which didn't scare me as much! When Sylar was about 6 weeks old, I started training him to lap from a bowl and he caught on very quickly and it doesn't surprise me cause he absolutely loved eating! 

Fast forward a few weeks....Sylar and Izzy grew quickly and so did his personality! He was a very goofy kitty! He quickly learned how to play fetch with his mice. He loved playing with toy was his favorite toy! He loved playing with Izzy too. They would run each other through the house day and night! When he wasn't playing with Izzy at night, he was laying on top of my head when it was bedtime. He was a huge cuddle bug..and cuddle bug was his nickname. 
As years passed, his brother Izzy ended up running out of the door and disappearing. He never came back. Sylar's mama had also disappeared. So his family was gone. I had 2 other cats, Samantha and Salem. Sylar took up more with Salem after Izzy disappeared. 
One thing Sylar done that I will never forget is when he was on the bed one day and he was jumping from side to side on it and then just ran and ran onto my nightstand...slid off the nightstand and into the garbage can! He was always doing goofy things like that! He would also run after cat treats when I would throw them to him and he would run so fast he couldn't stop and end up running into walls and furniture! His favorite treats were the Temptation Cat Treats.
When we would have someone come over to our home, Sylar would always greet them by sitting next to them on the couch, laying in their lap or standing beside them. Everyone would always tell me wow he's so beautiful or he's huge or he is so sweet. He was very friendly to everyone. Also, he never did fight with any cat or person. He would be the one that would get bullied by my other cat Salem sometimes. He was a very gentle cat. 
A few years ago, Petsafe contacted me about a picture I posted on Facebook of my cat Sydney and told me that she was a beautiful cat and asked me how well she would do around a lot of people. I had just rescued her and didn't know a lot about her at the time and I told them that, but I said I've got a cat that would be great around people and they requested a picture of Sylar. They wanted him to come in for a photo shoot. Of course, I agreed. He done so well during the photo shoot. Everybody couldn't stop petting him! There were also other cats there competing in the photo shoot for the Petsafe litter box cover.
Afterwards, they sent the proof pictures by email and thanked us for participating. About a year later, I was walking through a pet store and glanced over at the litter boxes and there he was!! They had chosen him!! I was speechless and over the moon that they had chosen my baby!
From that moment on, I called him my celebrity kitty! I've had a couple famous people talk to me about Sylar...Jackson Galaxy done a shout-out to him in one of his live videos on Facebook..sending his condolences about his passing. I also have talked to Christopher Sean( from Days of Our Lives). He's told me that he was a beautiful cat and that he was sorry for my loss. 
Sylar has impacted my life in such a positive way! He has uplifted my spirits, he has kept me laughing and he has comforted me in times of need. He was an amazing cat. 
When my daughter was born, he became her best friend and protector. He was by her side all the time. When she would cry, he would always come up to her and sit with her, wrap his paws around her and let her cry into him. He would go outside and play with her and never would try to run off. He absolutely adored her. There was a moment when he got sick and couldn't move, my daughter was laying there on the bed with him and she was crying. He got up, staggered, fell down and crawled to get to her because she was crying. That absolutely broke my heart into. During the worst moment of his life, he was worried about her and all he wanted to do was get to her. 
When it was time to let him go, I let my daughter be with him cause I know the strong bond they had. I wanted him to see and feel her as he drifted away and know that his best friend was there.
He had a beautiful soul and is very much missed by me and Annie(my 4 year old daughter) we talk about him everyday because he was such a blessing to this family. He brought us so much happiness and joy.
He is now our sweet Angel Kitty who awaits us at the rainbow bridge ❤